Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Edmonton's Slut Walk

Edmonton now has its very own "slut walk". Come out and support!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Call to Arms to Defend the Body!

When we think of body image issues we often land on this concept of a "self-esteem" of middle class, teenage white girls. The problem however is far more diverse. It affects all ages, genders, economic class and ethnicities. It is truly a global problem that requires a global solution, which is what this article is all about.

Have a read and tell me what you think...

The Media...

Although I have not watched this film, it does look very interesting. It deals with the very negative portrayal of women in the media, and presents alternatives. The trailer can be viewed here, though I have no news as to whether or not it is available to rent or purchase.

Some Disturbing News From South of The Border

There has recently been a push within the government of the United States to severely limit the access to abortions. This movement seems to be peeling back time as the advances made by women's movements over the past decades are set to be destroyed. Even more alarming still is the fact that Planned Parenthood, a publicly funded sexual health provider would stand to loose its funding if these bills were to go through. The result would be to close the doors of their clinics which serve over 3 million patients per year.

For Planned Parenthood however, abortions account for roughly ten percent of their services. The rest is taken up by prevention. Removing their budget would simply mean more abortions, not less, with the risk of many of those abortions being performed in unsafe environments.

Please watch the interview on DemocracyNow!

The Price of Sex?

Maclean's Magazine "The Price of Sex is at an All Time Low". This is a very interesting read in that it seems to be from a scholarly point of view yet its logic is incredibly flawed. The basic argument that is being presented is that women are becoming more and more like "men." It argues that as women are seeking to "have sex like men," and as they seek higher education and higher incomes that they will limit themselves to the kinds of partners that they will be able to have.

What is assumed by this is that first, "men" is a homogeneous group and that women aspire to be just like that group. We know that this is not true. "Men" are not a group any more than "whites" are a group. The vastness of experience that exists within these groups is simply astounding. This also assumes that every one in the world wants to be just like "men."

Give it a read, and see what you think...

Dear Mister West,

Kanye West has been fairly silent with regards to the comments about his video for his single "Monster". Viewers of the video, on the other hand, have been extremely vocal about the content. Here is the video itself, and here is a very well done critique of it.

Your thoughts....